
How to turn off auto balance csgo
How to turn off auto balance csgo

Csgo How To Turn Off Auto Balance On Computer

how to turn off auto balance csgo

The easiest way to turn off auto switch (also known as auto pickup) is by using a simple console command, though it can also be changed in the game settings. The CS:GO auto weapon switch is an infamous feature of the game and a frequent round-loser as it can get you killed if you pick up and automatically switch to a weapon at the wrong time.

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  • No - unlike in earlier Counter Strike games, it is not possible to save presets to purchase specific items using an in game interface. You could try modifying that script to fit your needs. Taking the script pointed out above, you could say: //Print to consoleecho 'Press F1 for AK-47 / M4A1'//Set items you want to buy, seperated by semicolon//Alias sets the following word to a variable to be later usedalias buyak-m4 'buy ak47 buy m4a1'//Then you bind it to a key using the alias!bind F1 'buyak-m4'What I also noticed is that there is an autobuy script already in csgo, that you can type autobuy into console and it will work.

    how to turn off auto balance csgo

    What this does is allow you to bind keys to buying weapons.First to make a script just use a text document and save it autoexec.cfg in SteamsteamappscommonCounter-Strike Global OffensivecsgoNext you fill it in with things you'd want to buy. Full Tutorial (with possibly all equipment/weapons):Quick Tutorial:I haven't checked to see if it works, but as Decency said in his post simply make a buy script.

    How to turn off auto balance csgo